A drill is a tool used for making round holes or driving fasteners. It is fitted with a bit, either a drill or driver chuck. with hand-operated types dramatically decreasing in popularity and cordless battery-powered ones proliferating.
A drilling machine, also called a drill press, is a powerful tool used to cut a round hole into or through metal, plastic, wood, or other solid materials by turning and advancing rotary drill bits into a workpiece.
This drilling cutting tool (Drill Bit) is held in the drill press by a chuck and fed into the work at variable speeds. The speed and feed should be set properly and coolant needs to be provided for the desired finished part. The drilling machine can not only be applied in the drilling process but is also useful for many other machining operations.
There are various operations that can be performed on a drilling machine, such as plane drilling, step drilling, core drilling, boring, counterboring, reaming, countersinking, spot facing, tapping, and trepanning.